Here you will find technical guides to run, modify and deploy the eChempad platform.
Reference Documentation
For further reference, please consider the following sections:
- Official Apache Maven documentation
- Spring Boot Maven Plugin Reference Guide
- Create an OCI image
- Field injection is not recommended
- Should JavaDoc be added to implementation
- Java Google StyleSheet
- UUID keys 1
- UUID keys 2
- UUID keys 3
- Disable CSRF depending on
- PostGreSQL + ACL with UUID SQL schema
- Cascade entity removal
- How to use JavaDoc
- hibernate-mapping-exception-could-not-determine-type-for-java-nio-file-path
- Field injection is not recommended and injection types in Spring Boot
- How to ignore Null fields in Jackson
- Java equivalent of unsigned long long int, big serial in SQL
- Choose an Open Source License
- GitHub Emoji Cheat Sheet
- Malven’s Flexbox Cheatsheet
- Malven’s Grid Cheatsheet
- Img Shields
- GitHub Pages
- Font Awesome
- React Icons
- Difference between object node and json node