
We can run eChempad using containers. This is more comfortable than setting up the working environment in your own machine.

  • Dependencies are already inside the container.
  • Containers are multi-platform.
  • Deploy is just a command: sudo docker-compose up -d.

Container structure

We will containerize the application using two docker images:

  • The image for the eChempad, that we will build from source.
  • The image for postgreSQL, that we find on the Internet (Docker Hub).

The image for the eChempad container is created using a multi-stage build. This means that the compilation of the project occurs in a container and the execution of the application occurs in another container, separating the concerns of each stage and reducing the size of the final container image.

Steps to create and run the eChempad container image from scratch

These are the steps needed to create the repository for the container image and run it, from scratch.

  • The first image can be built by being in the root of the eChempad repository and using the Dockerfile with sudo docker build -t aleixmt/echempad:latest . where latest is the tag that we are writing for this particular version of the image. A tag in Docker Hub can be understood as a branch in a git repository.
  • Create docker repository for this image in DockerHub.
  • Login to Docker Hub: docker login -u YOUR-USER-NAME
  • (optional) After we have built it we may need to change the tag in order to contain our username and repository target docker tag echempad aleixmt/echempad.
  • Finally, upload the image to docker hub docker push aleixmt/echempad:latest.
  • With these steps you already can use the docker-compose.yml file to raise the whole application without worrying about dependencies. To use it open a terminal in the folder where the docker-compose.yml file is located and issue the command docker-compose up -d.

Steps to update container image

These are the steps to update the container image in the repository:

  • Build image locally: sudo docker build -t aleixmt/echempad:latest ..
  • Upload image to repository (you have to be already logged in): sudo docker push aleixmt/echempad:latest.
  • Stop old containers: sudo docker-compose down.
  • Pull image from Docker Hub and rerun: sudo docker-compose up -d.

One liner:

sudo docker build -t aleixmt/echempad:latest . &&  sudo docker push aleixmt/echempad:latest && sudo docker-compose down && sudo docker-compose up -d
Building java application for deployment

It is important to understand how compilation and run phase are interrelated but at the same time should be independent of each other. Also, it is important to understand the existence of the spring boot profiles, which implies the loading of different data from the .properties files present in the project.

Specifically, the container profile is active when the environment variable spring_profiles_active is equal to the value container. This profile overwrites the property that sets the network location of the database. Specifically, configures the location of the database taking into account that the application is running in a container, and as such the network location of the database is different.

So, the profile for this matter is a runtime dependency. To compile the project you can use:

mvn clean package spring-boot:repackage

This will need to be refined in the future because the tests are also run with this command, but obviously are not needed, but right now it works (with no tests). The product of this command is a .war file, than can be run with java with:

java -jar eChempad.war


We have many web services on the digitalization server. To reach them where is a firewall and reverse proxy, so you will not be able to connect directly. To pass a connection through ssh for an arbitrary port you can use ssh local forwarding, because ssh connections are allowed to the server. Basically you stablish an ssh connection from the client to the server end and another connection that configures a forwarding tunnel. In the client end, ssh maps the ssh tunnel to an arbitrary port. This arbitrary port has to be free in the client machine, of course. We will connect to localhost:client_arbitrary_port in the client machine to reach the hidden web service on the server. Then, the ssh connection from the tunnel reaches the server, where the data coming from the ssh client, is forwarded to an arbitrary port. This port is expected to be the hidden web service that you cannot access directly.

For example, we have an inaccessible web service serving on port 8081 on server.iciq. We have a ssh connection from the client to this server (allowed unrelated incoming traffic on port 22). We want to access server.iciq:8081 but the firewall does not allow traffic on port 8081.

Solution: Create a tunnel that redirects connections in port 1088 on the client machine to the port 8081 in the remote machine:

ssh -L 1088:localhost:8081 amarine@server.iciq

After this, open the browser and connect to localhost:1088 to access (in reality) server.iciq:8081