Continuous Integration

The project has continuous integration features:

Auto-generation of license

Using the Maven licenses plugin we can autogenerate the copyright headers for each file of the project and also collect all the third party libraries used by listing the dependencies in pom.xml.

The next instruction will generate all licenses and attach it to the source files. Warning: It appends more than one time if executed in sequence.

mvn -Dattach.license.header=true generate-resources 

There is a small problem and is that in Java the headers for the copyright are added as a JavaDoc, which converts the headers to a dangling JavaDoc. Is preferred a normal comment. Issuing this command from the same folder as the project will change them to a normal comment:

IFS=$'\n'; for j in $(grep -r -I -l .); do sed '1 s|/\*\*|/\*|' -i "$j"; done

GitHub CI

To use a self-hosted runner for your pipelines, you have to run the actionis-runner. Once configured, you can launch the runner in background with:

./ > actions-runner.out 2> actions-runner.err &
less actions-runner.out