Running with docker

The fastest way to get a copy up and running in your local machine is using Docker with docker-compose.


First install docker-ce and docker-compose with your preferred method. In Ubuntu / Debian systems you can use the following commands:

sudo apt install -y docker-ce docker-compose


With the prerequisites fulfilled, you can simply download the docker-compose.yml file from the official repository with this command:


Afterwards, execute this command to trigger the interpretation of the docker-compose.yml file that we have just downloaded:

sudo docker-compose up -d

This will pull the official containers of the eChempad docker image and postgreSQL and run them in background, restarting them unless the containers are explicitly stopped.

Test the platform

Now, you can open a browser and navigate to the URL http://localhost to start using eChempad.

Adding tokens

If you want to connect eChempad to Signals Notepad or Dataverse, you have to add the corresponding tokens to your user. You can do that in your eChempad profile.

But you can also add your tokens in the same folder where you downloaded the docker-compose.yml in order to load the tokens into the admin user profile.

You have to create the folders src/main/resources/secrets with the files dataverseKey.txt and signalsKey.txt with the corresponding tokens inside to make available the connection.