Compile software


In a terminal, clone the repository, enter its root directory and run the maven wrapper with the compile option. By using the installation before, all the needed software and its dependencies and environmental variables are resolved, so they can be found by maven and our editor:

git clone
cd eChempad
./mvnw compile

This will download all the necessary libraries to execute the project. This script has also been modified to accept different configuration files, kill anything that is using the port that we are going to deploy our app and is easy to modify the certificates that it uses.


You can also compile the software by using the IDE. To do so, after cloning the repository cd into it and call the ideac or ideau, depending on which we installed. I will use ideau.

git clone
cd eChempad

You should wait until IntelliJ IDEA has loaded your project. There may be some additional file indexing, but you can start using the IDE to configure it.

After that you should be able to compile the software by clicking in the hammer in the upper right part of the IDE window. This is the easier step.

Run software


To compile using only a terminal, clone the repository, enter it and run it using the maven wrapper. By using the installation before, all the needed software and its dependencies and environmental variables are resolved, so they can be found by maven and our IDE:

#git clone  # Not needed if we already cloned it
cd eChempad
./mvnw spring-boot:run


After cloning the repository cd into it and call the ideac or ideau, depending on which we installed. I will use ideau.

git clone
cd eChempad

You should wait until IntelliJ IDEA has loaded your project. There may be some additional file indexing, but you can start using the IDE to configure it.

First thing is you got to go to the right upper part of the window in order to reach compile, run and debug menu. You should import the run configurations that are stored in the .run/ folder of this project. You also may need to add the Java interpreter that we installed. It will be located in the folder $HOME/.customizer/java. You can print this direction by typing in a terminal:


To use the IDE to run the software there are two options:

Using the same maven wrapper

There are two ways of running the software from our IDE:

First we can use the bash script called mvnw. This is the script used in the previous terminal section. We can call the script as explained from inside the IDE. We can configure a run configuration that executes the maven wrapper or import the one in the .run/ folder by clicking Add configuration… in the upper right part of the IDE window. This will load a window where we can configure how this configuration works:

  • Script path: $HOME/eChempad/mvnw
  • Working directory: $HOME/eChempad
  • Script options: spring-boot:run
  • Interpreter path: /bin/bash
  • Execute in the terminal: Yes

After that we only need to click to the green play button with this configuration selected to run the program. We will see the output in the terminal at the bottom.

A thing to notice is that there is an external tool that sends a SIGKILL signals to the eChempad process in order to shut down other instances of the process. To configure it within our run configuration go to the configuration of this run task and add a new external tool before launch by setting the script eChempad/tools/ and passing 8081 (the port that eChempad is using). The tool will be executed before the run, so any other instances will be killed.

Using the autoconfiguration of the IDE

Go to the class EChempadApplication and in the line where we declare the class:

public class EChempadApplication {
    // ...

You can click right click and run the application.

Debug software

Open the IDE, and perform the same steps to run the app with the autoconfiguration, but when you right-click select debug EChempadApplication. You can add breakpoints on the desired lines by clicking on the left of the line and control the execution by using the menu at the bottom of the IDE.

To send API requests to test the application you may use postman, but you can proceed with curl if you prefer to only use the terminal.

You should send the requests to your local machine localhost, to port 8081 and you may attack the API in the desired subfolder, depending on the API you want to test, for example experiment. Notice that there are many ways of attacking the API at certain points, depending on the HTTP modes GET, POST, PUT, DELETE and the parameters submitted at the URL or the body of the message. For example, with GET mode and nothing in the body with this URL, we would get a list of all the experiments:

Body HTTP mode API URL Action
Empty GET experiment http://localhost:8081/api/experiment Get all experiments
Empty GET experiment http://localhost:8081/api/experiment/1c9abdba-1f82-11ec-9621-0242ac130002 Get the experiment with the ID
{ "name": "An experiment name", "description": "Example experiment." } POST experiment http://localhost:8081/api/experiment Add a new experiment
{ "name": "My container", "description": "Contains many experiments." } PUT container http://localhost:8081/api/container/18a34472-57a3-46ee-8913-98eefcd4cf89 Overwrites an existent container
Empty DELETE experiment http://localhost:8081/api/experiment/1c9abdba-1f82-11ec-9621-0242ac130002 Deletes the experiment with the supplied ID

You can even visit the URLs with your browser to attack the GET API calls, for example visiting http://localhost:8081/api/researcher to trigger the GET API function in that URL. Notice that browser requests have always empty body.

Debug database

You can run the program installed pgadmin to explore and manipulate the contents of the database. Just open a terminal and introduce the command pgadmin. You can also click in the desktop launcher in the desktop.

This will open the browser in the URL where pgadmin is listening. You may need to reload the page. When pgadmin shows up you will need to set up a new connection to a database, so you will need to enter the password and user to open your database. You can also set a master password, which is a password that can be used to open all the databases stored in pgadmin, so you do not need to remember each credential. It is specially useful if you are planning on having more than one database.